With 12 million registered players and 2,500 titles, Skillz is the world’s leading mobile eSports platform.
Integrating the Skillz SDK into your mobile game boosts retention and revenue by bringing exciting multiplayer competitions to your players. Our 3,000+ developer partners see up to an 8x increase in ARPDAU!
The Skillz SDK powers:
- Cross-platform competition: Sync, async, and turn-based tournaments for both iOS and Android
- Full customizability through our Tournament Management System: You decide what types of tournaments are offered (head-to-head, bracketed, etc.) and the look & feel of the interface
- A rewarding gameplay experience: Players can win virtual currency prizes and even real-world prizes in qualifying games
- Fairness & security: Fair player matching through machine-learning algorithm, as well as anti-cheating & anti-fraud measures
- Virality features: Player chat, friend lists, and gameplay recording for shareable replays and free promotions with our livestreaming partners
- Even more retention boosters!: Prized leaderboards, special live events with up to 50,000 players, and an integrated loyalty program
Just download this SDK and follow the easy step-by-step integration wizard at our Developer Console!
Need more info? Shoot us an email at developers@skillz.com.