UTest is a lean unit test framework for Unity, getting rid of all the bells and whistles to provide you with a simple, clean and direct to the point test enviroment. No messing around with game objects and scenes, just write your tests and press a button. If you really want to test your games or apps with unit level tests, having a tool that is streamlined and won't get in your way is a key factor for success. UTest was conceived and developed to be that tool.
+ Put your test classes anywhere, including Editor folders
+ Test classes can be nested inside other classes
+ Run one, a module, all or a selection of your tests
+ Run your tests without leaving the Editor with the UTest window
+ Open failed test on the failed assertion line
+ Selected tests and foldout hierarchy are preserved when you close and reopen the Editor
+ Search for tests on UTest window
+ Save and restore test selections; get back to interesting test combinations
+ Open text editor in the line of a test definition with the click of a button
+ Run your tests from the command line