Ruaumoko D.C. Edition: Voxel rendering for Unity.Ruaumoko is a voxel based surface creation engine, allowing you to create, dig, sculpt, and destroy meshes! The D.C. edition is the first implementation of Dual Contouring iso-surface extraction for Unity!Features:* D.C. and Marching Cubes in easy to use scripts.* Simple demos showing the three calls to turn your data into meshes!* Tangent calculation, Ambient Occlusion calculation, mesh smoothing, subdividing, static noise utilities.Coded entirely in C#, all source is included. This implementation is portable to all Unity platforms and fully supported by Unity Indy.Ruaumoko (the full release) adds terrain and mesh generation, paging and deformation tools and is the preferred solution for users interested in deformable landscapes at an affordable price point!Demo