The Multiple Target Tracking Camera package allows you to track multiple elements in movement in the view and adjust the view to frame all the elements you're tracking. in 3D and 2D space.
By dynamically adding or deleting objects to be tracked, your camera will adjust and adapt to them by adjusting its zoom level and viewport.
- Suitable for Fighting Games or Arena like games.
- Suitable for architectural or show demo where you must watch multiple elements from different perspectives.
-[NEW] 2D features like Atractors, of interest areas.
-[NEW] 2D Pixel perfect camera system, with different zoom levels and multiple objects tracking.
-[NEW] 2D Camera Box system that tracks your character in the 2D space.
- One Drag and Drop script and you get the nice framing behavior.
- One script to add to target objects and it will be tracked and framed properly.
- Super simple use.
- Add or remove the script component on runtime to track more or less objects!
- Sample Scene, Player Controller, and Setup in the package.
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