These are simple scripts that can be used to create "infinite" terrains/platforms
without the need to have huge, resource intensive terrains.
Infinite Terrain:
When linked to a terrain, the script will create a grid from copies of the terrain.
It will then ensure that the player is always located on the centre terrain (of the
grid), moving Terrains to the opposite side of the grid like a "treadmill" as the
player moves.
Infinite Platform:
Identical to Infinite Terrain, but allows the use of any game object instead of a
terrain, e.g. a Plane, a cube, or any mesh you prefer. This also allows for "sloped"
platforms, as the transform of the original Game Object will be "followed".
I originally created this script for a boss battle that takes place in an
"endless cavern" where I needed to ensure that the player never reached the
edge of the arena.