The Bug Reporter helps your game testers submit bug reports with valuable information for your developers.
Just drop the prefab into a scene and configure it through the Inspector. When the hotkey is pressed, the Bug Reporter will capture a screen shot, freeze time and pop up a dialog where the player/tester can enter a message.
The reporter also captures a snapshot of all game objects in the scene, including their components and property values. For example: if your tester reports their gun shots no longer made a sound, you'll be able to tell whether the camera's audio listener had been muted, the gun's audio source volume was set to zero, the wrong audio clip was assigned, or the audio source was in the wrong place.
The report is then saved to disk, sent by e-mail and/or posted to a URL, and the player can continue from where they left off.
We provide a free web service so even the Web Player can e-mail bug reports.
See the README for more information.