Why you might want to have this?
- Promo discount! not only 40$
- You are planning to start your MMO game and you want to control all aspects of your new product and you don't want have hidden code in DLLs.
- You wish to have total control over how server objects are reflected at the client end.
- You want to secure your client's data and don't want send it to third party companies (providers).
- You want to optimize package size depends on distance to observed object and by this reason you want do have custom data reflection between server and client. For example: you have an object which will send full set of information: position, rotation, speed etc... so you will optimize the package depend on distance to observer by sending only position if object is far and more detail information(rotation, speed) if object become closer.
- You want to develop your server and client levels in single scene.
For Facebook integration please contact us directly.
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