@author unchi
It comes to be able to perform expression of comics from 3D data.
- You can paste the data into a 3D screen tone.
- You can set the blend balance of screen tone.
- You can view the outline.
- You can set the thickness of the outline.
- You can set the color of the outline.
- Contour line width is fixed automatically by calculating distance from the model to the camera.
## Unchi/Manga/Gray
- Five steps of expressions can be performed in four kinds of screen tones, and white.
* This does not work in Flash.
## Unchi/Manga/Color
- Four steps of expressions can be performed in three kinds of screen tones, and white.
* This does not work in Flash.
## Unchi/Manga/Lite
- Four steps of expressions can be performed in two kinds of screen tones, white, and black.
* This works in Flash.