This is a package of shaders and utilities for simple and effective customization of a large number of objects. It will help to paint parts of units in color of the player quickly.
Shaders for coloring can be divided into 2 types: Colored and Mesh-Colored. Their only difference is covered in a way of transfer of color to a shader, Colored Diffuse takes color from material's parameter, instead Mesh-Colored takes it from color of mesh vertices. Thus, it is possible to get some multi-colored objects which share same material. And in aggregate with the CombineMeshes method it will allow to reduce quantity of Draw Calls even in the free Unity version. Example of how it works you can see on YouTube.
As a bonus the package includes simple Ghost shader. This shader will help you with creation of effect of a ghost which can be met in many other games.
For more information see package reference.
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