The rocks in the project are three modular assets, designed be be used and re-used in combination with one another.
Poly counts are:
rock 1: 934 (LOD0), 490 (LOD1), 200(LOD2&collision)
rock 2: 650 (LOD0), 340 (LOD1), 150(LOD2&collision)
rock 3: 96 (LOD0), 58 (LOD1), 32(LOD2&collision)
The set contains 3 LOD's for each rock, the last of which is intended to double as it's collision mesh.
Five prefabs have been included to provide easy to use assemblies as well as ideas on how
these assets can be used.
A second, desaturated and mossy texture has also been provided.
For ease of use, have the pivot options set to Global, not local.
The beauty shot for the rocks were done with a custom shader that I do not have the rights to, it is merely to illustrate
how the rocks CAN look with the correct shader applied. Currently, they have the basic bump-diffuse shader.