This pack contains all the assets by TurnTheGameOn, as well as a library of additional scripts, prefabs and demo scenes in one bundle. This pack will continue to receive new assets and updates as they are made.
Package Includes:
• Racing Game Template
Racing Game Template is easy to work with, edit the vehicle prefabs by changing the models and any other desired settings. Edit the race scene by replacing the environment and track with your own, then layout the waypoints that can be auto generated from the scene manager. Finally use the project editor window to make any additional changes and you are finished. From here you can continue to build your unique game-play designs and features using all the tricks in your own toolbag!
• NPC Chat
A streamlined dialogue engine, NPC Chat allows you to quickly and easily add dialogue, notifications, and trigger events based on collision areas, UI buttons or key presses to any scene without any custom scripting or special interfaces; everything is configured in the Unity Hierarchy through the NPC Chat object inspector.
• IK Driver
An Inverse Kinematics vehicle package that includes an advanced procedurally animated avatar with a vehicle controller and camera system. Bring your cars to life by animating the avatar driving based on the horizontal/vertical axis input values used to power the car controller.
• Timers and Clocks
A fully editor integrated component, RightClick>UI>Timer to add to hierarchy. This advanced component can handle time related task with ease.
• DDA Fog
Control Unity's default and global fog, as well as some additional settings through a simple component interface. This helps when trying to create a feeling of deep immersion in a foggy area by providing easy access to all the parameters you want to control.
• Arrow WayPointer
A simple to use waypoint controller that can help guide the player to their destination by pointing the arrow at the player's current waypoint. Set the amount of waypoints in the inspector and position them in your scene. Create custom UnityEvent's in the inspector for each waypoint location.
All scripts in this package are written in C# with full source code is provided.