This is a High Poly 3D Model of a Greyhound with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Greyhound - HP 6862 tris;
•Greyhound - LP 3320 tris.
Model has 39 Bones.
•Greyhound - 2 Color Textures, 1 Normal, 1 Specular, 1 Ambient Oclusion Maps (all 2k).
For more Animations & High Spec see Dog - Greyhound (Full) version of this Asset.
Model has 25 UNIQE Animations, which are GREAT ASSET to this Model. ALL repeatable Animations with (L) are looped:
Digging(L), Eating(L), Happy(L), Hit Left(L)/Right(L)/Front(L)/Back(L), Idle(L)/Idle01(L), LieDown, Sleeping(L), WakeUp, Run(L), FastRun(L), AttackJump(L), AttackPaw(L), FightIdle(L), AttackJawWithLacerate(L), Walk(L), WalkBack(L), Strafe Left(L)/Right(L), Turn Left90/Right90, Crawling, Dance, Barking, Jump, Jump Attack.
Update 1:
•New HR/LP Model replaced;
•Two [2] Color Texture added;
•New Normal Map replaced;
•Specular & Ambient Oclusion Maps (2k) added;
•Fixed RootMotion and InPlace animations, added 5 new animations replaced.