The Animated Star System can be used in any space or star gazing game of your desire. This system gives a realistic effect of stars in space. The stars are very bright and vivid to give you a more realistic look.
Animated Star System: One Procedural Substance texture which allows you to control the looks and the amount of stars in your star system.
Substance: Has adjustments for Hue to control the colors of the stars, saturation to control the intensity of the stars, Intensity allow to make the brightness more or less intense, on off to control the amount of stars and completely turn sets off if desired, and position change to allow the altering of the position of the stars.
Easy to use: Script is fully commented.
Script: This script works with the substance texture to create a movement effect. The script allows you to control the speed which the stars change.
Texture: The texture is only 2KB.
Package: Comes with one demo scene to give you an example on how to set yours up.
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