The Ultimate iOS Bundle consists of multiple different easy to use iOS APIs, meaning that you can now access all sorts of iOS features directly from Unity, with the scripting language of your choice, by just calling one simple function.
The idea is to have the bundle updated frequently, especially with user requested features and functions, without having to pay anything (once you've purchased once, of course).
* ESGameCenter
- Offers a separate, native iOS solution for leaderboards and achievements
* ESAlerts
- Offers iOS alerts (those little neat notifications) with input fields, custom titles, messages and buttons
* ESMessaging
- Easily send email or SMS messages with predefined recipients, subjects and messages
* ESMisc
- Rate This App-popup
The following features are still being worked on:
* ESInApp
- Easy in-app purchases
* ESMedia
- Easy access to photo roll and/or camera
* ESSocial
- Easily post to Facebook and Twitter
* ESCloud
- Native iCloud integration