Git UniTEAM is a Unity Editor extension that lets you manage your Git versioned Unity project without 3rd party application requirements.
As I no longer have time to properly update this asset to work with Unity 4.0+, it is now freely available (including source).
You can fork the project, and send pull requests through the open-source GitHub repository.
After code review, I can push your changes here (with full credit) if you'd like.
* Commit / Push changes from within Unity!
* Clone remote repositories.
* Integrated Diff.
* .gitignore rules.
* View real-time, uncommited changes to the repository.
* Add untracked files.
* View locally stashed commits, and commits that are behind you on your remote Git server.
* View full repository commit history complete with Diff, and commit messages.
* Access the console from 'Window > Git UniTEAM Console'
Full merge support coming soon.
* Mac OS X is not directly supported by the 'git2' plugin provided in this asset. HOWEVER you can freely build your own native application bundle from source HERE, and drop it in the 'Plugins' directory of this asset.
* This asset uses native code plugins -- Pro only.
Doby Digital Support Website