This premium collection contains 180+ pre-fabricated assets sourced from high-quality Megascans content, as seen in Unity’s ADAM. It is optimized to work with projects using Lightweight SRP and Legacy (Standard Shader), purchasing this product will also unlock the Lightweight collection found here.
It also contains a set of surfaces - scanned, on location, in South-West Australia - that perfectly complement the scanned 3D content.
This HD package includes a demo scene built from the assets in the collection.
This collection is packed with all you need to create lifelike environments in games or real-time movies.
These assets represent the cutting edge of 3D content, and are used by all major game and film studios today.
This collection is intended for use by users who fall under our “Hobby”, “Freelancer”, and “Indie” categories only. Studios must contact Quixel separately for access to these collections.