-This package is cinemachine story telling animations.
-This package is design to help you tell your story with the all new unity powerful timeline and cinemachine.
- This package contains 180 plus animation clips for this version.
- 2 free high quality characters Male and Female.
- Contains 8 folders of animation collection with a folder of transition animations to help you combine animations Clips which gives you the power to create limitless animations
-This package have been specially prepared to make it easy for you to use just drag and drop clips to your timeline and ready to go.
-This package comes already Optimize now you only get the Unity animation Clips imagine that so you reduce your file size by 70 percent.
- Ready for any unity humanoid character.
this animation package is already converted and texted as unity humanoid animations.
-Just convert your character as unity humanoid and you are done
-There is also pdf in the package for quick start also check my youtube for updates on tutorial which will cover how you can use all the powers timeline and cinemachine have for you.
-Thanks and enjoy.
My website.