Documentation | Forum | EULATexture Overview is giving you a great summary view of all your textures, with just the right information to aid in optimization.✔ Unity 5.x, 2017.x and 2018.1 Beta compatibility (Personal & Pro)✔ Complete C# source code to build Texture Overview.✔ Runtime- and storage-memory statistics per texture type.✔ Detects various texture issues, e.g. non-power-of-two size on iOS.✔ Sorts textures by "Memory", "Sprite Pixels per Units", "Packing Tag", "Format", and many other settings.✔ Lists textures in your project, a certain folder, the current scene, any selected asset, as well as from an asset bundle manifest file.✔ Filters textures by type (Sprite, Normalmap, Cubemap, GUI, etc), name and path.✔ Finds materials and prefabs that use a particular texture.✔ Exports content as CSV, which can be used to generate fancy graphs about memory usage in spreadsheet applications.Please see the documentation for more details.Please note that this is the Pro version of Texture Overview. It's sold at a higher price than the regular version, because it comes with the complete C# source code.