Input Manager is a response to the need for direct and interactive customization of which keys trigger which actions (key bindings)
With Unity’s standard interface you would have to keep track of which action corresponds to which key. In InputManager all of this is taken care of for you, but it doesn’t end there; InputManager’s capabilities extend out to multiple key Combinations which detect when a series of keys are being pressed at the same time. This is, i.e, when a real time strategy game uses Control+1 as a key combination to assign the currently selected units to control group one. Or when a fighting game’s super move is punch-block-and crouch being held.
Knowing Unity’s Input class prepares you to use InputManager because it has an exterior interface as similar as possible to the Unity’s Input class. So InputManager.GetKey is the same as Input.GetKey except one takes individual keys and InputManager takes the name of what action we’re looking for.