This set comes with 172 prefabs ready to use in Unity.
8 different lamps (diff, NM, spec, illu)
5 pipes (diff, NM, spec)
2 doors (diff, NM, spec) with animations and script
1 window (diff, NM, spec) with animations and script
many different stairs (diff, NM, spec)
many different corridors (diff, NM, spec)
some example rooms
and single pieces to design your own rooms, corridors, etc
the original BLEND-file with all low poly models is included.
The lamps are on one texture-atlas (2048x2048).
The doors are on one texture-atlas (2048x2048).
The rest of the set is on another texture-atlas (2048x2048).
All textures are in PSD-format.
Go to the Modular Sci-Fi Set thread!