ProPLUG OpenUDID - iOS Unique Identifier Replacement UDID
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ProPLUG OpenUDID provides easy access to the open-source OpenUDID on iOS devices.
- As of March 25th 2012: The iOS method [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]; was "outlawed" for submissions to App Store. OpenUDID is a replacement for the native iOS UDID, and ProPLUG OpenUDID makes getting the OpenUDID easy!
Steps to Use?
1. INSTALL Package!
2. Call OpenUDID.getUDID(); from anywhere in your code!
Where did OpenUDID come from?
This package uses OpenUDID from ylechelle / OpenUDID here.
What's special about this unique identifier?
The OpenUDID initiative is intended to maintain an open-source, device-specific unique identifier that persists across apps in an Apple approved way.