Tired of lifeless single loop idle animations?
This easy to use component allows you to randomly trigger any number of variant idle animations with a user definable frequency, randomization offset, and weight.
Idle randomizer supports any number of animations, and is built for speed, only checking its randomizer when the asset is currently playing the user defined default idle animation.
Idle Randomizer is plug and play. Just drop it in, tell it which animation is your idle, and start fine tuning how often and how likely your variant idle animations are to occur.
Use it to add life to still characters, or easily randomize moving environments quickly and efficiently within a single easy to use component!
Weighted randomized animation triggering
User randomized or like clockwork timing frequency
High Performance, suitable for large environments or groups of characters!
Plug and Play, Simply add the component to any animated object!
*NOTE* IdleRandomizer was written before the mecanim system was added to Unity, and is intended for projects using raw animation controllers. This script is not intended for use with mecanim!