An automatic aiming solution that anyone can use!
AutoAim is a set of components that you can add to a turret to automatically aim it an any object you please. AutoAim automatically calculates how far ahead to when aiming at moving targets.
Easy To Use
AutoAim has also been designed to be easy to use. No programming knowledge is required, and everything you need to get a turret up and running is already provided. There is even a 'Turret Wizard' to guide you through the process.
Instant and online help
Custom inspectors have been provided for all components and have help built-in; each component is also fully documented online, and there is a support forum on the website.
Other Features
* Limit arc of fire and firing range, and edit in the scene window
* Limit turning speed
* Automatically select targets
* Trigger animations on fire
* Demo scenes to study if you need to
* Example turret model that you can use in your own scenes