The Package Contains:
Art section:
- Low poly jet model (1106 poly)
- Modeled and unwrapped using Autodesk 3DS Max 2012
- Three main HD maps (diffuse + normal + specular) - 1024*1024
- Jet moving particle and shooting particles + special effects
- Environment particles
Technical section:
Moving the jet:
- Physics script lets the user control and move the jet in the space.
- Keyboard functions (W,A,S,D For Sliding) + (up arrow, left arrow, right arrow, down arrow for moving the jet)
Shoot and destroy:
- Shooting script allows user to shoot objects and add force at the position with a raycast calculation, for a more realistic effect.
- Damage script with health meter.
- Detonator
- Script for particles
Also includes one free high-resolution space skybox
For more info visit: