Animated model with 81 animations, 6600 polygons, 4 materials and 3 LOD stages.Animated model with 81 animations. 4 materials, textures 2048*2048 pixel size.Only 6600 polygons with 3 LOD stages.Completely reworked materials with new texture detailsAdded LOD stages inside FBX file for faster renderingPBR MaterialsModel is modular, with all addons like separate meshes, so you can make many variations. Skin comes in 2 versions, one regular and one with war face and body paint.You can switch on or off armor, belts, bierd, neckless, and arm and legs protectors.Animation List:a_Pose, attack1, attack2, attack3, attack4, attack5, Attack6, attack7, Attack8, Attack9, Attack10, Block_Crouch, Block_Idle, Block_Left, Block_Right, Block_Top, ClimbingUp, ClimeRopeLeft, ClimeRopeRight, Crouch_Walk_Back, Crouch_Walk_Forward, Crouch_Walk_Left, Crouch_Walk_Right, CrouchAttack, CrouchIdle, CrouchSneakLeft, CrouchSneakRight, death, DeathBack, DeathBack2, DeathFront, dodge_left, dodge_right, Dodging_Left, Dodging_Right, EdgeClimbRight, EdgeHang, Flip, hit, HitBack, HitFront, HitFrontLeft, HitFrontRight, Idle, idle_attack, Idle_LookAround, Idle_stand, idle_watch, jump, jump_Fly, jump_Land, jump_Start, Jump2, Jump2Fly, Jump2Land, Jump2Start, JumpEdgeLeft, JumpEdgeRight, KneelToPray, PushHeavyBlock, recover, recover_02, RopeHangIdle, run, RunBack, RunLeft, RunRight, StandUp, TalkSit, TalkStand, taunt, taunt2, TurnLeft, TurnRight, walk, Walk2, Walk3, WalkBack, walkBack_02, WalkLeft, WalkRight,If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or Discord:Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin Discord Server