This asset includes 13 african animalsThis asset has african animals pack (13 animals)ElephantRhinoHippoZebraHyenaWildebeestLionLionessCheetahLeopardJaguarTigerAntelope ImpalaLeopard, Jaguard and Tiger have 2 types of colorAll model have 4 LODs.For more information, see the technical details.All animations can be seen on the links below.ElephantRhinoHippoZebraHyenaWildebeestAntelope ImpalaLionLionessCheetahLeopardJaguarTigerIf you have any questions, please contact us by mail: Chester9292@mail.ruNumber of textures : 42Texture dimensions: 2048*2048Polygon count of :Elephant 19900 tris (5600 tris mobile version)Rhino 13900 tris (5000 tris mobile version)Hippo 20800 tris (5000 tris mobile version)Zebra 15700 tris (3550 tris mobile version)Hyena 19400 tris (6050 tris mobile version)Wildebeest 17250 tris (5800 tris mobile version)Antelope Impala 15650 tris (4950 tris mobile version)Lion 25000 tris (6200 tris mobile version)Lioness 23800 tris (6150 tris mobile version)Tiger 26000 tris (6100 tris mobile version)Jaguar 25750 tris (6000 tris mobile version)Leopard 24650 tris (4900 tris mobile version)Cheetah 25450 tris (6900 tris mobile version)Number of meshes/prefabs 52/52Rigging: YesAnimation count :Elephant 51 animRhino 58 animHippo 58 animZebra 82 animHyena 76 animWildebeest 82 animAntelope Impala 82 animLion 76 animLioness 76 animTiger 76 animJaguar 76 animLeopard 76 animCheetah 76 animUV mapping: YesLOD information: All model have 4 LODsTypes of materials and texture maps. All model have PBR material. (Color,Metallic/Smoothness, Normal maps)