Frustrated when you have to recreate all the ragdolls when a rig is updated? Or do you have multiple prefabs based on the same model and now you have to change the ragdoll? Frustrate no more! Using Ragdoll Copier, you can copy an existing ragdoll to multiple objects with a few clicks.
- Copy a ragdoll from an object to other objects.
- Supports humanoid mapping, in case the transform hierarchies of the objects are not identical.
- Supports also 2D ragdolls.
- Ignore specific transforms by using a partial phrase (e.g. prefix).
- You can use any method for creating the ragdoll (Default wizard or a custom system).
- Scaling, removing, or adding transforms does not break the system. But if the transform hierachies are not identical, you have to enable humanoid mapping to get the desired results.
- Copying a ragdoll between non-identical rigs may not work properly. Rather than fixing this by hand, it may be easier to create the ragdoll individually for each model (once).
- Copying a ragdoll between originally identical rigs that have been modified in Unity should work.