YourNetworkTools + 8 Bricks Defense
Your VR Experience
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Complete multiplayer game developed using "YourNetworkTools". Thanks to this project you can have a reference of how to convert your single-player game into a multiplayer game.
In order for the project to work you first have to import the two free plugins:
-Free Download Google VR SDK
-Free Download iTween
After that you can import the package of the game and you will have everything to run the game.
You have 2 scenes:
-Menus Scene: (Assets\8BricksDefense\Game\Menus\Menus.unity):
First scene you have to load. It will allow you to create a game party or join one.
-Game Scene:
Second scene loaded by the previous one.
Make sure you put both scenes in the settings of the project.
In order to help you out to convert your own game to a multiplayer game I would give you access to the repository that will allow you to easily identify the changes you have to do in your own game to convert it to multiplayer.