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Blender Actions is a set of commands for Unity Editor that introduce Blender's Hotkey-Based Gizmo as well as a number of other useful actions from Blender into Unity.
The Hotkey-Based Gizmo allows you to save time when building your levels as you no longer have to hunt for the miniature Unity gizmo UI and no longer need to fear misclicks. Moreover, features like Custom 3D Cursor, that can be used as pivot for rotation and scaling of objects as well as Vertex Snapping for translation rotation AND scale can increase your overall level-building productivity up to 3 times. The gizmo also works when editing colliders, which turns a chore of working with default collider editing UI into a breeze. Check the documentation for detailed info.
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Key features:
- Hotkey-based gizmo from Blender now in Unity editor!
- Superb accuracy when transforming models with Shift-slowdown functionality.
- Transformation Constrains help you position/rotate or scale your objects in 3d space easily (constrains include: only move alongside world Y axis, only move alongside local XZ plane, etc.).
- Use custom positioned 3D Cursor as a pivot for your rotation and scaling to ensure perfect positioning of your models.
- Transform masses of models simultaneously: rotate them alongside their local space X axis, scale them across their XZ planes without the need of parenting or doing it manually for each individual model.
- Vertex Snapping works with rotation and scaling as well as translation and it's 10 times easier than default Unity vertex snap: just hold down "Control" to activate it.
- Collider Editing Mode allows you to create and edit colliders with INSANE speed, compared to the standard Unity UI.
- Camera Controls: set front view, top view, left view, right view back view, bottom view with a hotkey. Change camera perspective with a hotkey.
- A wide variety of useful auxiliary actions: hide unselected GameObjects, toggle enable/disable selected GameObjects with a hotkey, quickly rotate a GameObject around world Y axis by 90 degrees, reset translation rotation and scale (a hotkey for each), quickly create a BoxCollider/SphereCollider or CapsuleCollider with a hotkey, add a new empty GameObject, parent every single selected GameObject to the newly created one and start editing it's name;
- Every hotkey can be rebinded to your liking.