Now updated to be Unity 5.0 compatible, and works with multi-scene, Unity UI and others thanks to contributors!
Public domain, do with whatever you like, commercial or not. This comes with no warranty, use at your own risk!
Resource checker is designed to help bring visibility to resource use in your scenes (ie what assets are using up memory, which meshes are a bit too detailed, where are my materials and textures being used).
It should also be useful to check for redundant materials, textures you forget you're using and textures that can be compressed or reduced in size.
To use, just make sure ResourceChecker.cs is within an "Editor" folder within "Assets" in your project.
In Unity you'll see a new option under "Window" -> "Resource Checker"
To use, once the window is open, just click 'Refresh' and it will list all active textures, materials and meshes in the scene
Its probably got a bunch of bugs and weird issues - feel free to help improve and fix up. You can visit the projects home on github here - Resource Checker on GitHub.