All Models built by Koban studios are specifically designed for optimum performance and effect. The careful distribution of triangulated polygons assure the lowest polygon count for maximum game rendering as demonstrated in the profiler. The balance is in minimising the vertices without sacrificing the end realistic effect. The Ichthyosaurs skeleton is a fully working aquatic reptile. It has many dramatic animations included,
swimming, short and long attacks, it can catch smaller ichthyosaurs from a distance, flicking its tail and propelling itself forward.
The animator controller allows you experience what it would feel like to swim in the Mesozoic era seas, filled with other ichthyosaurs that act both as predator and prey. included are AI ichthyosaurs that can either follow set markers or make their own random paths. The Sensors included help them avoid objects and each other, creating realistic looking scenes. AI models are capable of following targets that can easily placed throughout the scene. The AI’s automatically sync their speed and turning velocity to the targets so the user will not need to adjust. This native project and its unique scripts will provide the user with a plug and play facility that combines the features of many other unity projects. The model can be easily adapted to replicate specific species of ichthyosaurs, its bones can be rescaled and a higher polygon version of the scull is included. Its value is in combining a high quality model with all the other features such as target led AI, multi animations in one single project. To see other ongoing projects and unique mesh collections visit our web page and our Facebook page .