This is Software Synthesizer with MML Sequencer
+FM tone generator.
+Sampling tone generator.
+Low Bits WaveTable tone generator.
+SF2 tone generator.
+Original Music Macro Language
Realtime music play!
Procedural sound effect!
Some inconvenience!
*Free version limitations.
High load. (not native code)
There are some delays.
There are not enough tested.
Supports c# only.
Specifications will change to capricious :-)
#I abandoned the paid version
* Bundle tools
Play mml or Generate wave file.
Convert StandardMidiFile to MyMML.
*Sample Tone
Preset FM tone data are produced by Takeshi Abo.
Web page: VAL-SOUND url:
Thank you, Mr. Abo.
These tone data are made for OPM.
There is some difference in OPM and this synthesizer.
If you have any question contact me.
# Supports
# Release notes
2018/ 3/xx version 1.7 Added some functions, and bugfix...