Unity3D plugin
Sound Visualizer - Mesh Deformation
- Get data from playing AudioSource and split it on 8 accurate channels. Channel diapasons depend on hearing diapasons. Where 0 - bass and 8 - high frequencies. You can always change it on your own.
- Four ways to access audio data:
1) RAW data from channel;
2) Smoothed raw data (to avoid flickering);
3) Normalized data from channel (0..1);
4) Buffered normalized data.
- Falling maximum values for better data normalization.
- VR scene with many effects as Complete Project
- Mesh deformation based on Pelin Noise
- Mesh deformation based on choice of mesh's vertex
- Splitting mesh into triangles
- Editable size, scale force and type of deformation
- Iso-Sphere prefab included (with usual and reversed normals)
- Current geometry and speed of deformation depend on playing audio data
- Color wave visualisation
- Kaleidoscope based on RenderTexture and Particle System
- Pool Object sample as Sparks Generator
- Full sources included
- All plugins already installed
- Ready-to-go asset. Easily deployable in existing project.
- Developed with love <3
Full example of using included in package as Demo scene.
Check *.cs files for more info.
Support: unity@siberian.pro
Remeber! If you want to test VR in Editor you should switch build on [Anroid].
Version Changes:
- Initial version.
- Unity 2017.1 added
- Fixed several bugs