Need a simple currency system? Here it is!
Keep track of money with gold silver and copper amounts in your game!
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Includes a score to track one lump sum.The score point system can be used to track how many times something has happened. For example, you can track how many items were picked up on a level.
Currency UI:
Use Score - Will have the score visible in game
Use Gold - Will have the gold silver and copper values visible in game
Show Text - shows script driven text for the score and gold
Pickup script:
The coins in the scene use this to be picked up by the player
Pick Up Range - how close the player has to be to pick up
Spin Speed - how fast object turns
Player - Should be set to FPSController if using built in FPSController
Activate Sound - Play sound when item turns on
Coins - the value of item when picked up. This affects your currency total
Pickup Sound - Play a sound when item is picked up
Score Point script
adds one point to score when item is destroyed.
Note that this asset is already included in AGT-Adventure Game Template. so don't buy it twice!