A system for having QuickTime events in your game, designed to be simple to set up, and efficient by having one script do all the work, and having different scripts to trigger the events & respond to it. Forum LinkBuilt in support for Input from PC Keyboards as well as from Unity's Input Manager, but you turn off the system's input detection in order to code your own detection or use another input solution (for example, Unity's new Input system, or other input solutions on the asset store for touch-based devices)Demo Scene and Documentation Included.
-Can be Triggered by Colliders, Animation Events, or a Cutscene editor.
-Repeatable, or single shot
-1 to 4 buttons displayed via GUI or Billboards, (or no buttons at all)
-Use standard keyboard input, or use Buttons/Axis's defined in Unity's Input manager
-Use a random button, or define a static one the QTE will always use
-Response scripts that can be stacked to cause multiple things to happen in response to the QTE result.
-Ability to extend the response options to the QTEs by writing your own custom responses.