NPC Chat is a powerful prefab and chat box system that allows you to configure events, dialogue, notifications and more in a few quick steps. Add an NPC Chat object to your scene and assign the required inspector references (player transform, chat box to use, text, events and trigger settings).
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Chat Box Features:
• Unity UI – the box is made from standard Unity UI components, simply edit or duplicate as needed if you want to customize the layout or design in any way for various needs.
• Title and Dialogue Text – the basics of any dialogue system.
• Dynamic Buttons – chat conversations can use up to 6 pre-configured buttons using the familiar inspector UnityEvent from the NPC Chat object when configuring page dialogue.
• Render Texture Camera – allows for a speaker to be animated in a portrait window of the chat box.
• Lerp In/Out Settings – the box can animate in-to and out-of screen space when a conversation starts or stops.
NPC Chat Features:
• Optimized Inspector Workflow – a clean inspector layout that provides quick access to all the settings you need.
• Conversations and Pages – each NPC can have any number of conversations, each conversation can have any number of dialogue pages, each page can use any chat box.
• Chat Manager – assign a Chat Manager ScriptableObject to control which NPC should use which conversation index.
• NPC Chat Options – assign a NPC Chat Options ScriptableObject to control settings (start/stop triggers, input triggers, distance check, scrolling text, outline, single use, and more).
• Page Audio – assign an audio clip to be played for a conversation page.
• Page Buttons – chat conversations can use up to 6 pre-configured buttons using the familiar inspector UnityEvent. Set the button event and button text.
• On Chat Start/Stop Events – setup conversation start/stop callback events using the familiar inspector UnityEvent. Trigger whatever you want to happen!
• Outline – assign a mesh, skinned or sprite renderer to recieve outline effects based on NPC Chat states (distance, mouse over, active).