Fighting Girl Voice Pack - Yukari Rokujo
Chaos Gate
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
03/25(2018) |
14.3 |
11/02(2024) |
14.3 |
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Chaos Gate
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
03/25(2018) |
14.3 |
11/02(2024) |
14.3 |
Jump AssetStore
This is a royalty-free voice material pack with the theme of fighting girls. This time is image a fighting maid 'Yukari Rokujo'.
◆ Character Image
Although she is a common sense who usually behaves gracefully and politely from her usual time, she is occasionally at her pretty laid back and a pretty. But her is extremely competitive, when battle and the crisis of the Lord.
◆ Features
- Total 358 words recorded. (See the full voice list here)
- Sound pressure adjusted data that can be used immediately and unadjusted data are included.
- Focused on variations that are repeatedly used in games such as attacks and damage.
- Wav format / 44100 khz / 16 bits / monaural
◆ Voice Actress
▼ Humble Bundle
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