(Works on Unity 5.0 and above too!)
SALE!! -- $28
DEEP discount!
Base price increases at end of SALE!
Snapcam NAVIGATION STUDIO is the first ever suite of navigation tools designed to completely overhaul the Unity viewport navigation process.
These tools allow you to freely navigate your 2d and 3d scenes lightning-fast! This is still the standard Scene viewport -- but on steroids!
NAVIGATION STUDIO provides a suite of "Navigators" that assist you in controlling your viewport camera (either directly or indirectly). These "Navigators" come with innovative controls (many customizable!) and useful default settings, all while being designed to work in-tandem together to quickly get you exactly where you want to be!
Snapcam NAVIGATION STUDIO 2.0 includes some major features such as a "Grid Navigator" window that looks like a security-guard monitoring station that can be popped-up at anytime (at any place on your screen) that, when clicking on any of the "monitors", it will bring you to any location in your scene at a moment's notice -- all this via a single popup / toggle key. (See the video showcasing it in action!)
The new "View Navigator" is everything you've ever dreamed of for the standard viewport camera. It allows you to move your viewport around freely while also being extremely controllable, allowing one to easily slowdown (for narrow corridors), speedup (for great distances), reverse motion, or even stop completely (to reorient yourself during a flythrough, such as in a tight spot). It also enables fast-viewing of any selected object or transform from any angle or distance. Oh, and it also lets you zoom in/out in Iso/Orthographic mode (2d zoom is coming soon)!
The namesake of Snapcam -- the "Snap Navigator" -- is a window that enables one to store and modify "snaps", which are important locations and camera orientations in your scene (where you will likely want to return to often.) These "snaps" are managed in the "Snap Navigator" window, but are also used alongside the "Grid Navigator" to provide a visual overview (and built-in shortcut) to all your snaps!
Snapcam NAVIGATION STUDIO is an invaluable asset to any Unity developer. Try it once -- you won't go without it again!!