XR Control is crafted to help to easily manage multiple XR controllers in your app/project.
It allows you to detect inputs in an hardware-agnostic way and/or by device type.
Simply drag XrControls in your scene and set them up in one click according to your needs.
This early beta release focus on the main desktop VR motion controllers :
- (OpenVr) Vive Wand Controllers
(and OpenVr compatible)
- (Oculus VR) Oculus Touch Controllers
- (Oculus VR) Oculus Remote
- (Windows Mixed Reality) Spatial Controllers
XR Control is build upon Unity native inputs, and doesn't relies on any third-party plugin.
Includes interactive motion controllers models and Oculus Touch hand gestures examples
This plugin is part of the upcoming XR Toolset.
SEE ALSO : XR Switcher - Cross-platform AR/VR/MR manager and runtime device switcher
XR Control is actually in beta. More features will be added as it evolves.