Semi-arcade, fun-to-drive vehicle physics kit designed for gameplay, ease of use, and realistic behavior.Demo assets use Unity's built-in materials which may be upgraded to other SRPs. Wheteher the upgraded materials work or not, it's entirely up to Unity and their SRP upgrade procedures. Some materials might require a manual upgrade to a RP-compatible material.EVP brings fun and realistic vehicles to your games! Designed for gameplay, ease of use, and realistic behavior.FAQ | Live demo | Features | Documentation⚠️ Note: This asset is not the paid version of Vehicle Physics Pro. They're separate products implementing different vehicle simulation models. More informationFeatures:• Ready-to-use vehicle prefabs with different setups (more realistic, more arcade, drifting, etc)• Precise control and fun to drive vehicles even with keyboard / touch screen.• Any vehicle setup: street, truck, racing, drifting...• Vehicles can be rigged and configured in minutes (Video tutorial)• Easy integration into existing projects: just drop a prefab in your scene and hit and play.• Vehicle damage effects, including deterioration of handling.• Multiple ground materials supported, including per-material grip and drag coefficients, ground marks, skid marks, smoke, dust, etc.• Lots of audio effects: engine, turbo, transmission, tire skid, body impacts, body scratches...• Built-in “Pause” function for vehicles without setting timeScale to zero.• Full C# source code.• A single component VehicleController provides fully working vehicle physics.• Additional features available as add-on components: damage, audio, tire effects (marks, smoke, dust), visual effects, standard input, sample random AI input.• Vehicles support custom gravity directions, even modified in realtime.• Easily write your own add-on features by using the exposed properties and delegates.• Custom PBR shader for tire marks.• Custom shaders for particle effects (smoke, dust) with shadows.• Garbage-Collector friendly. No GC allocations in runtime.• Supports any physics timestep up to 0.06
FAQ |ライブデモ|機能|ドキュメンテーション
※ 上記アセット説明(日本語翻訳)は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。