UniStorm - Volumetric Clouds, Sky, Modular Weather, and Cloud Shadows
Black Horizon Studios
Jump AssetStore
UniStorm is the ultimate solution for AAA dynamic skies, weather, cloud shadows, atmospheric fog, and procedural volumetric clouds. UniStorm gives you options to adjust every component in the sky.Unity 2019, Unity 2020, Unity 2021, Unity 2022, Unity 2023*, and Unity 6* are all supported!UniStorm is the ultimate solution for AAA dynamic skies, weather, cloud shadows, and procedural volumetric clouds. UniStorm features over 100 customizable options to help bring environments to life. Listening to user feedback has helped make UniStorm user friendly and easy to use. UniStorm is incredibly powerful and gives you options to adjust every component in the sky. You are only limited to your imagination!Demo (v5.0) | Documentation | UniStorm API | ForumsURP SupportedUniStorm now supports URP for versions of Unity 2019.4.9 and higher. HDRP support is currently in development.AAA Volumetric CloudsUniStorm 4.0 brings the addition of a completely redesigned cloud system capable of creating AAA procedural, self-shadowing, PBR, volumetric clouds at a great frame rate and only using just one draw call! UniStorm’s clouds use the latest shading and performance techniques such as Temporal Reprojection and LODs. UniStorm’s clouds feature 4 quality settings and a volumetric and 2D option all capable of being changed at runtime or within the UniStorm Editor. This makes it possible to support many devices and computers. Easy to use API makes adding in-game quality control simple and painless. An example to do this is also included.Built-In Photon PUN 2 Network SupportUniStorm includes everything you need to get UniStorm working with PUN 2 that syncs UniStorm's weather, time, and date with multiple players. An example scene is included.Atmospheric FogAtmospheric fog which takes into account the sun and moon's light direction and color which is applied to the scene, UniStorm clouds, and the skybox.Cloud ShadowsEfficient real-time screen space cloud shadows that match the current cloud cover and cloud formations for added realism and visual quality.4k Stars with Accurate ConstellationsUniStorm's night skies include 4k stars with accurate constellations. Options are available within the editor to control the intensities of the constellations.Procedural AurorasUniStorm allow users to customize auroras per weather type to adjust the intensities, colors, conditions, and more!PerformanceUniStorm's volumetric clouds feature Temporal Reprojection and LODs with 4 quality settings (Low, Medium, High, and Ultra) each properly calculated to be far more efficient than the previous setting. This allows UniStorm to be able to run smoothly on nearly any computer. No max Camera Far Clipping Plane distance is required thanks to UniStorm's shaders so any distance can be used.Built-in Lightweight OptionUniStorm has a built-in lightweight 2D cloud options perfect for low end mobile devices or computers. Users can select the Mobile option from within the editor that will automatically apply all optimal settings without overwriting custom settings such as colors.Dynamic Modular WeatherModular Weather allows users to create custom weather types. Sand storms, auroras, hail storms, thunderstorms, etc are all possible. There are no limits to how many weather types UniStorm can use, and best of all, they allow users to use their own custom particle effects, settings, and sounds for each weather type. UniStorm comes with 31 weather types! These include, Auroras, Blowing Leaves, Blowing Snow, Blowing Grass, Lightning Bugs, Clear, Mostly Clear, Partly Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy, Cloudy, Overcast, Foggy, Drizzle, Light Rain, Rain, Heavy Rain, Hail, Thunderstorm, Light Snow, Snow, Heavy Snow, Thunder Snow, Fire Rain, Firestorm, Dust Storm, and more!Cloud ProfilesUniStorm features customizable cloud profiles that each weather type can use. This allows you to customize the clouds' appearance to give tons of variety to every weather type. With UniStorm’s cloud profiles, users are sure to find the perfect cloud style to suit their project.VR & Mobile ReadyUniStorm's all in one system also supports mobile and VR (Both Multi and Single Pass). There's even an easy to use option that will automatically apply all of the optimal settings for the targeted platform while keeping users' custom settings. VR Single Pass does not currently work with URP. Advanced Weather GenerationUniStorm generates weather based on the precipitation odds set from within the UniStorm Editor. The easy to use line graph allows users to set the odds for precipitation weather types for each month and UniStorm will generate weather accordingly. Summer can have less precipitation than Winter and vise versa. UniStorm has options to generate daily weather with a randomly generated start hour and hourly weather that's generated every in-game hour all based off the precipitation odds. If users don't want generated weather, there's an option to have static weather too.Global Weather Shaders & Shading (Built-in Render Pipeline Only)UniStorm's Global Weather Shader allows objects to receive rain and snow shading during rainy and snowy weather types. Rain shading allows surfaces to get shinier, but only on surfaces no greater than 90 degrees. The inside of most surfaces will appear dry, such as inside buildings and roofs. Snow, will function the same, but with accumulative snow shading. The snow texture, snow bump texture, and snow specular level can all be customized. When the weather is not raining or snowing, UniStorm will fade out the weather shading.Weather and Weather TransitionsUniStorm allows users to create an endless amount of weather types that UniStorm will use. Each time the weather is changed, UniStorm will seamlessly transition it according to the global transition speed. Each weather type can be customized with its own cloud cover, cloud style, cloud height, particle effects, sun intensity, moon intensity, cloud shadow intensity, sound effects, wind amount, and various other settings allowing for truly unique and customizable weather.Procedural Lightning & Lightning StrikesUniStorm’s Procedural Lightning system allows objects to be struck by lightning. Users can define the odds lightning has to strike the ground and objects. When a lightning strike happens, users are able to customize what effect is created. A fire effect can even happen with the appropriate tag.Day/Night Cycle & Colors ControlUniStorm allows you to adjust all colors of the environment and sky for each time of day such as the sun and moon colors, ambient light colors, shadow and cloud shadow intensities, fog colors, sky colors, environment reflection intensities, and more! Each color also has its own individual color options for precipitation weather types.Time, Date, & Built-in CalendarUniStorm has a built-in time and date system that can help keep track of a player's in-game time. UniStorm's calendar is accurate and even the current time and date can be used.Customizable Moon Phase SystemUniStorm's customizable moon phase system allows users to build their own moon phases. There are no caps to the amount of moon phases UniStorm can use. Users can preview their moon phases, and set the starting moon phase, right from within the UniStorm editor. UniStorm automatically assigns all needed textures and updates the moon phase daily. Each moon phase also has their own moonlight intensity. This allows the new moon and crescent moon phases to give off less light than that of a full moon, if desired.Weather Type ConditionsOptional Weather Type Conditions make weather types have to reach certain conditions for them to be generated from UniStorm's weather generator. These include conditions such as particular seasons and temperatures as well as the ability to only have certain weather types be called from custom events or programmatically.UniStorm ProfilesImport and export your UniStorm settings to and from a UniStorm Profile. This allows users save their settings and transfer them between other UniStorm systems without having to manually apply colors and settings.Time of Day Sounds and MusicUniStorm allows users to customize the sound effects and/or music that will play for each time of day. The amount of delay in between each sound effect and song can be customized. There's no limits to the amount that can be used.Sound ManagerUniStorm's Sound Manager handles all of your UniStorm created sounds using a generated Unity Audio Mixer. This gives you precise control over the Master, Ambience, Weather, and Music volumes which can be usable with user built UI or can be controlled within the UniStorm Editor.Built-in EventsUniStorm's built-in events can get called every in-game hour, day, month, year, and even during a weather change allowing users to easily create added functionality for their games.Included ExamplesUniStorm includes 6 example scenes all demonstrating different functionality you can do with UniStorm. A save example system is also included that allows users to save their in-game time, date, weather, temperature, and more with both a manual and auto-save option. This data can then be loaded so users can pick up right where they left off.The EditorUniStorm’s editor's design has been heavy influenced by the feedback from its many users to be intuitive, powerful, and offer a low learning curve. UniStorm’s editor is self-documented so every component is explained right from within the editor via Tool Tips.API & DocumentationUniStorm's API can help with additional game mechanics and features such as accessing the temperature, time, date, current weather, forecasted weather, season, and more.Additional assets shown are not included. The clouds cannot be flown through.*Unity 2023 and Unity 6 (when using URP) require Compatibility Mode (Render Graph Disabled) to be enabled in order to use UniStorm Fog and Sun Shafts. A solution is currently being worked on to not require this. This is not required if you are using the Built-In Render Pipeline.*Unity 2023 and Unity 6 (when using URP) require Compatibility Mode (Render Graph Disabled) to be enabled in order to use UniStorm Fog and Sun Shafts. A solution is currently being worked on to not require this. This is not required if you are using the Built-In Render Pipeline.*VR Single Pass does not currently work with URP.
UniStormは、AAAの動的な空、天気、雲の影、および手続き型の体積雲の究極のソリューションです。 UniStormは、100以上のカスタマイズ可能なオプションを備えており、環境を活気づけます。雲の外観もカスタマイズできます。ユーザーのフィードバックを聞くことで、UniStormはユーザーフレンドリーで使いやすくなりました。 UniStormは非常に強力で、空のすべてのコンポーネントを調整するオプションを提供します。あなたはあなたの想像力に制限されています!
Demo | Documentation | UniStorm API | Forums
UniStorm 4.0では、完全に再設計されたクラウドシステムが追加され、AAA手続き型、セルフシャドウ、PBR、ボリュームクラウドを優れたフレームレートで作成し、ドローコールを1回だけ使用できるようになりました。 UniStormのクラウドは、Temporal ReprojectionやLODなどの最新のシェーディングおよびパフォーマンステクニックを使用しています。 UniStormのクラウドには、4つの品質設定とボリュームおよび2Dオプションがあり、実行時またはUniStormエディタ内で変更できます。これにより、多くのデバイスとコンピュータをサポートすることが可能になります。使いやすいAPIにより、ゲーム内の品質管理を簡単かつ簡単に追加できます。これを行う例も含まれています。
組み込みのPhoton PUN 2ネットワークサポート
UniStormには、UniStormの天気、時刻、日付を複数のプレイヤーと同期するPUN 2でUniStormを動作させるために必要なものがすべて含まれています。シーン例が含まれています。
UniStormのボリュームクラウドは、時間的再投影と4つの品質設定(低、中、高、および超)のLODを備えており、それぞれ適切に計算され、前の設定よりもはるかに効率的です。これにより、UniStormはほぼすべてのコンピュータでスムーズに実行できます。 UniStormのシェーダーのおかげで、カメラの遠方クリッピングプレーンの最大距離は必要ないため、任意の距離を使用できます。
含まれるべきものになぜ余分に支払うのですか? UniStormには、ローエンドのモバイルデバイスやコンピューターに最適な軽量の2Dクラウドオプションが組み込まれています。ユーザーはエディター内から[モバイル]オプションを選択して、色などのカスタム設定を上書きすることなく、すべての最適な設定を自動的に適用できます。
Modular Weatherを使用すると、ユーザーはカスタムの気象タイプを作成できます。砂嵐、オーロラ、あられの嵐、雷雨などすべてが可能です。 UniStormが使用できる天候タイプの数に制限はありません。何よりも、ユーザーは、天候タイプごとに独自のカスタムパーティクルエフェクト、設定、およびサウンドを使用できます。 UniStormには、31種類の気象タイプがあります。これらには、オーロラ、葉を吹く、吹く雪、吹く草、稲妻、晴れ、大抵晴れ、部分的に曇り、大体曇り、曇り、曇り、霧、霧雨、小雨、雨、大雨、あられ、雷雨、小雪、雪、大雪、雷雪、ファイアーレイン、ファイアーストーム、ダストストームなど!
UniStormは、各気象タイプが使用できるカスタマイズ可能なクラウドプロファイルを備えています。これにより、雲の外観をカスタマイズして、あらゆる気象タイプにさまざまな種類を与えることができます。 UniStormのクラウドプロファイルを使用すると、ユーザーはプロジェクトに最適なクラウドスタイルを見つけることができます。クリア、ふわふわ、ソフト、バランス、および様式化されたクラウドプロファイルが含まれています。ただし、自分で自由に作成できます。
UniStormは、UniStormエディタ内から設定された降水確率に基づいて天気を生成します。使いやすい折れ線グラフにより、ユーザーは毎月の降水天気タイプの確率を設定でき、それに応じてUniStormが天気を生成します。夏は冬より降水量が少なく、逆もまた同様です。 UniStormには、ランダムに生成された開始時間とゲーム内の時間ごとに生成される毎時の天気を含む降水量オッズに基づいて毎日の天気を生成するオプションがあります。ユーザーが生成された天候を望まない場合は、静的な天候を設定するオプションもあります。
UniStormのProcedural Lightningシステムは、オブジェクトに稲妻が当たるようにします。ユーザーは、落雷が地面や物体に当たる確率を定義できます。落雷が発生した場合、ユーザーは作成する効果をカスタマイズできます。火の効果は、適切なタグでも発生する可能性があります。
UniStormには、プレーヤーのゲーム内時間を追跡するのに役立つ組み込みの日時システムがあります。 UniStormのカレンダーは正確で、現在の時刻と日付も使用できます。
UniStormのカスタマイズ可能なムーンフェイズシステムにより、ユーザーは独自のムーンフェイズを構築できます。 UniStormが使用できるムーンフェイズの量に上限はありません。ユーザーは、UniStormエディター内から直接、ムーンフェーズをプレビューし、開始ムーンフェーズを設定できます。 UniStormは必要なすべてのテクスチャを自動的に割り当て、ムーンフェイズを毎日更新します。各月の満ち欠けにも、独自の月光強度があります。これにより、必要に応じて、新月と三日月の満ち欠けが満月よりも少ない光を放つことができます。
UniStormのエディターのデザインは、多くのユーザーからのフィードバックに強く影響されており、直感的で強力で、学習曲線が低くなっています。 UniStormのエディターは自己文書化されているため、すべてのコンポーネントはエディター内からツールヒントを介して直接説明されます。
CTS Weather Managerのサポート
UniStormには、雨や雪が降ったときにCTSのウェザーシェーダーを移行する外部システムが含まれており、積雪や湿気で地形を日陰にすることができます。 (CTSは含まれていません)