Easy Save - The Complete Save Game & Data Serializer System
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Easy Save lets you save almost anything with ease across platforms, along with features such as encryption, compression, save slots, cloud storage, spreadsheets, backups, and much more.Contact Us | Guides | Docs | Forum | Discord | Getting Started | Home░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░★ On the Asset Store since 2011 ★Why use Easy Save?It's easySave your game without code using Auto Save,or with just two lines of code:ES3.Save("key", value)var value = ES3.Load("key");It's reliableDon't risk your users' save data becoming unusable because your save system is no longer supported, we've been supporting Easy Save since 2011Regularly updated with new features...Including Save Slots, Encryption, Compression, Cloud Save, Backups, PlayMaker actions, Caching, Spreadsheets, File IO and moreSerialize much more than other solutions...Including class, struct, positions, GameObject, Prefab Instances, Component, ScriptableObject, Arrays, Dictionaries, Lists, HashSets, Queues, even References to Unity objects, and much moreFor Amateurs...It's easy to use and well documented, with or without codeFor Experts...A fast, feature-rich and extremely flexible save system░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Compatible withPC, Mac, Linux, Windows Universal, iOS, tvOS, Android, Oculus, Steam, WebGLC#, Unity Visual Scripting, PlayMaker, BoltIntegrate with other storage APIs such as consoles or cloud services**░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Fully documented & source code includedGuides | Examples & Tutorials | API Reference | Getting StartedSave using C#, or without code using Auto SaveC# Reference | Auto SaveSupport for PlayMaker, Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting*Access Easy Save from Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting graphsSave and load using PlayMaker actionsThird-party NodeCanvas & FlowCanvas integration**Save almost any typeOur serializer was developed specifically for UnityUnlike other systems, it can even serialize referencesFast and lightweight serializerUsing our JSON serializer developed specifically for Unity5-star customer supportvia email, dedicated forum and DiscordSecure save data with encryptionEncrypt save dataCompact save files with compressionMakes save files 85% smaller on averageCreate save slots with a single clickFully customisable save slots UISave & load from the cloudUpload to cloud database using PHP & MySQLAlso works with Steam Auto Cloud, Android Backup and iCloud BackupCross-platform save systemUse save files & code on all supported platformsSerialize data to spreadsheetIn CSV format for ExcelMuch more flexible than PlayerPrefsBut just as simple to saveUnlike PlayerPrefs, it has File IOSerializer stores data straight to fileStore strings/bytes as files░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░How do I use Easy Save?See the Getting Started guide for how to use it for your game ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Contact Us | Guides | Docs | Forum | Discord | Getting Started | Home*PlayMaker, Bolt, NodeCanvas, FlowCanvas are purchased separately.** We take no responsibility for third-party integrations or APIs, and support for them is provided by the third-party rather than ourselves.Tags: save game system, load game, serialize, serializer, playerprefs, storage, upload, download, serialization, serialisation, game serialiser, JSON, serialise, autosave, auto, save file, save slots, import, export file, encryption, cloud save, excel, database, playerprefs, auto save, compression, gzip, es3, easysaveContact Us | Guides | Docs | Forum | Discord | Getting Started | Home░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░★ On the Asset Store since 2011 ★Why use Easy Save?It's easySave your game with just a few clicks using Auto Save,or just two lines of codeIt's reliableDon't risk your save data becoming obsolete because your save system is no longer supported ... we've been updating Easy Save since 2011Regularly updated with new features...Including Encryption, Compression, Cloud Save, PlayMaker actions, Caching, CSV Spreadsheets, File IO and moreSerialize much more than other solutions...Including class, struct, GameObject, Prefab Instances, Component, ScriptableObject, Arrays, Dictionaries, Lists, HashSets, Queues, even References to Unity objects, and much moreFor Amateurs...It's easy to use and well documented, with or without codeFor Experts...A fast, feature-rich and extremely flexible save system░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Compatible withPC, Mac, Linux, Windows Universal, iOS, tvOS, Android, Oculus, Steam, WebGLC#, Unity Visual Scripting, PlayMaker, BoltIntegrate with other storage APIs such as consoles or cloud services**░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Fully documented & source code includedGuides | Examples & Tutorials | API Reference | Getting StartedSave using C#, or without code using Auto SaveC# Reference | Auto SaveSupport for PlayMaker, Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting*Access Easy Save from Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting graphsSave and load using PlayMaker actionsThird-party NodeCanvas & FlowCanvas integration**Save almost any typeOur serializer was developed specifically for UnityUnlike other systems, it can even serialize referencesFast and lightweight serializerUsing our JSON serializer developed specifically for Unity5-star customer supportvia email, dedicated forum and DiscordSecure save data with encryptionEncrypt save dataCompact files with compressionMakes files 85% smaller on averageSave & load from the cloudUpload to cloud database using PHP & MySQLAlso works with Steam Auto Cloud, Android Backup and iCloud BackupCross-platform save systemUse save files & code on all supported platformsSerialize data to spreadsheetIn CSV format for ExcelMuch more flexible than PlayerPrefsBut just as simple to useUnlike PlayerPrefs, it has File IOSerializer stores data straight to fileStore strings/bytes as files░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░How do I use Easy Save?See the Getting Started guide for how to use it for your game ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Contact Us | Guides | Docs | Forum | Discord | Getting Started | Home*PlayMaker, Bolt, NodeCanvas, FlowCanvas are purchased separately.** We take no responsibility for third-party integrations or APIs, and support for them is provided by the third-party rather than ourselves.Tags: save game system, load game, serialize, serializer, playerprefs, storage, upload, download, serialization, serialisation, game serialiser, JSON, serialise, autosave, auto, save file, import, export file, encryption, cloud, excel, database, playerprefs, auto save, compression, gzip, es3
私どもに連絡する | FAQ | ドキュメンテーション | フォーラム
Easy SaveはUnityゲームエンジンのためのセーブ&ロードアセットです
なぜEasy Saveを使うのでしょうか?
- Unity 4、Unity 5
- PC、Mac、Linux、Unityエディター、PlayMaker
- Web Player、WebGL、Windows Store
- iOS、Android、Windows Phone 8、BB10
- 高速で軽量
- PlayMakerとのインテグレーション
- ファイルIO、リーダーおよびライター
- 暗号による安全なセーブデータ
- ウェブからデータをセーブおよびロードする
- クロスプラットフォームのセーブ&ロード
- ほとんど任意のタイプをシリアル化
- ビジュアルセーブファイルエディター
- スプレッドシートを作成しセーブ
- オンラインで完全にドキュメント化されています
ガイド、 サンプル、チュートリアル、 APIとともに
- カスタマーサポートに連絡
電子メール および専用フォーラム を通じて連絡
私どもに連絡 | FAQ | ドキュメンテーション | フォーラム
タグ: セーブ、ロード、シリアル化、playerprefs、ストレージ、アップロード、ダウンロード、ファイルのインポート、エクスポート、暗号、クラウド、excel、難読化、playerprefs
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。