The Corgi Engine is the bestselling and most complete platformer solution for Unity. Constantly updated, and battle tested in tons of published games, it's the package you need to create your game.The engine focuses on gameplay mechanics, and doesn't do any rendering. As such, it'll run just the same on all render pipelines. The demos are authored on BiRP, as it's the common denominator. If you need help adjusting cameras or materials to your RP of choice, you'll find detailed steps to do so in the documentation. 🚀 Corgi Engine is compatible with Unity 6.The Corgi Engine is built around a tight (non physics based controls) character controller that will give your game the best possible experience. It's very fast and works on desktop, mobile, and everywhere you want. Packed with features and constantly updated (70+ releases over the last 5 years), it's the best tool to create the 2D + 2.5D platformer or run & gun game you want!Whether you're new to Unity, a seasoned developer or a studio, creating your first game or a commercial one, the engine will help unlock your game's potential.💡 Don't hesitate to have a look at a small selection of the many games that got released using the engine!👉 Full list of features📚 Documentation✨ Games made with Corgi Engine🤖 Android demo on the Play Store🍏 iOS demo on the AppStore🖥️ PC demo💻 Mac demo🌐️ HTML5 demo💁 Support Form💬 Discord🚀 Extensions Repository🙋 New in v8.6 : Kills manager! Trigger events when some or all enemies are dead.🎮 Features overview:- A tight 2D character controller for your player, complete with collision detection, slope handling, movement, jumps, bounce, auto walk/run and walljumps ala Super Mario Run, double jumps (and as many more jumps as you like), ladders, ledge hanging and pulling, dangling, jetpack, weapons (melee, hitscan and projectile), burst, combo and charge weapons, auto aim, flight, time control, gliding, surface feedbacks, rolling along slopes, swimming, dash (horizontal and vertical), damage dash, pushing, pulling, handling damage (types, armor, resistance, etc), getting crushed, object carrying and throwing, running, crawling, looking up, down, taking fall damage, getting stunned, gliding on ziplines, swapping between characters, dynamically adjust gravity to match the current slope's normal, expose speed data, persist between scenes, and more. Easy to control and tweak via the inspector to create your very own character. The game comes packed with different examples to get you started, along with video tutorials and a complete documentation.- Packed with content, the asset is filled with more than 50 demo levels, and provides you with all you need : 300+ ready to use, handcrafted visual assets (and that you can actually use, not just placeholder art), 200+ optimized scripts, and tons of ready for production prefabs.- Built-in game juice : the Corgi Engine comes with MMFeedbacks built-in, allowing you to improve your game feel natively with just a few clicks. Add up to 40 feedbacks to every action or event in your game : screen shakes, particles, damage text, sound, shader control, post process, wiggles, camera zoom, time control, flickers, and so much more.- Includes the Inventory Engine, usually sold separately but offered with the Corgi Engine. Complete inventory management solution. Create inventories, items (collectables, usable, equippable, etc), ammo, customize and extend everything!- Advanced AI system : create complex enemy, boss, or friendly AIs behaviors by combining actions (shoot, patrol, wait, etc) and decisions (enemy in sight, time, player direction, health, damage, etc) using only the inspector, no code needed!- Camera and 2D parallax management, with tons of options : camera zoom, room confinement, parallax speed, direction...- Everything you need to create your levels : gravity zones and points, moving platforms, jumpers, cannons, destructible crates, pressure pads, trees, keys and chest/doors, stairs, ladders, wind, water bodies, ice, treadmills, mud, kill counters, one way levels, auto-scrolling levels, super metroid like levels with rooms and transitions or simpler Mario like sections, and more. The engine will let you create in many ways, either carefully handcrafted, or procedurally generated (there are examples of that too), everything's possible! Also achievements, loot system, progress management, save and load, lives system, and tons of other useful stuff!- Dialogue engine : a basic yet robust dialogue system, to add life to your NPCs!- Hundreds of visual assets (platforms, trees, playable characters, levels, particle effects, animations, enemies...) ready to use in your 2D or 3D platformer- Mobile controls that work everywhere, and support for all input systems supported by Unity. Also comes with new Input System package implementations.- Native integrations with Unity's best packages : Cinemachine, PostProcessing and PixelPerfect- Single or multiplayer : the engine now supports local multiplayer (on the same machine), create coop or versus games super easily!- More Mountains : as gifts to the community, the engine comes with Nice Touch, the Inventory Engine, and MMFeedbacks, three successful assets by More Mountains that will help make your game better.- The whole codebase is heavily documented, and everything's coded to be as easy to customize as possible. Creating your own 2D platformer has never been this fun!👉 Check out the full list of features on the Corgi Engine's website.If you have any question, please use the support form. You can also find help on this forum thread.This asset contains MMFeedbacks, the Inventory Engine and Nice Touch, which are also sold separately. No need to buy them twice!
✨ Cor Corgi Engineは、Unityのベストセラーで最も完全なプラットフォーマーソリューションです。
それはあなたのゲームに可能な限り最高の体験を与えるタイトな(非物理ベースのコントロール)キャラクターコントローラーを中心に構築されています。これは非常に高速で、デスクトップ、モバイル、および必要なあらゆる場所で動作します。機能が満載で常に更新されており(過去5年間で50以上のリリース)、2D + 2.5Dプラットフォーマーやラン&ガンゲームを作成するのに最適なツールです!
💡 usingエンジンを使用してリリースされた多くのゲームの小さなセレクションをご覧になることをためらわないでください!
📚 Documentation
🤖 Android demo on the Play Store
🍏 iOS demo on the AppStore
🖥️ PC demo
💻 Mac demo
🌐️ HTML5 demo
💁 Support Form
💬 Discord
🙋 New in v6.3: オブジェクト、圧力パッド、新しいルームマスクなどをピック、キャリー、スロー!
-組み込みのゲームジュース:Corgi EngineにはMMFeedbacksが組み込まれており、数回クリックするだけでネイティブにゲームの感触を向上させることができます。ゲームのすべてのアクションまたはイベントに最大40のフィードバックを追加します:画面の揺れ、パーティクル、サウンド、シェーダーコントロール、ポストプロセス、ウィグル、カメラズーム、時間コントロール、フリッカーなど。
-Inventory Engineが含まれます。通常は別売りですが、Corgi Engineで提供されます。完全な在庫管理ソリューション。インベントリー、アイテム(収集品、使用可能、装備可能など)、弾薬を作成し、すべてをカスタマイズして拡張します!
-More Mountains:コミュニティへの贈り物として、エンジンには、Nice Touch、Inventory Engine、およびMMFeedbacksが付属しています。これらは、More Mountainsが成功させた3つのアセットであり、ゲームの改善に役立ちます。
👉Cor Corgi EngineのWebサイトで機能の完全なリストを確認してください。
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。