Glass Cabinet Collection
Pack of Glass Cabinets for use as an interior prop. This furniture bundle is perfect for populating indoor space, a great furniture collection for game dev & realtime render.Glass Cabinet CollectionEmail for different render pipeline versions or any other technical requests or support.Glass Cabinet CollectionPack of Glass Cabinets for use as an interior prop. This furniture bundle is perfect for populating indoor space, a great furniture collection for game dev & realtime render.All prefabs have simple custom colliders and all drawers and cupboard doors can be opened with pivots in the correct locations.Check out more interior props hereInterior models on the Unity Asset StoreCheck out more in our Furniture collection hereStudio Lab Furniture Collection on the Unity Asset StoreSetup for the Universal Render PipelineEmail for different render pipeline versions or any other technical requests or support.Glass Cabinet CollectionDetailed Description Info:Model: Glass Cabinet CollectionMedia Type: 3D ModelGeometry: Quads/TrisPolygon Count: 81688Vertice Count: 44962Textures: YesMaterials: YesUV Mapped: Yes *Unwrapped UVs: Yes Non-Overlapping