Version 2.0.0 is available on the AssetStore.
Version 1.*.* will still receive critical bugfixes (no new features) for a while.
If you're starting a new project (or need one of the newer features) you can better use version 2 of the plugin.
Support Thread
This plugin is a custom implementation of the Unity Input Field (it still inherits from Selectable base class). It adds multiple features & properties and fixes multiple bugs that were in the original Unity Input Field. The logic has been split over multiple (platform specific) classes to improve readability.
For Mobile platforms (Android, iOS & UWP) a whole new implementation has been written, because these were the platforms with the most annoying bugs. Also new bindings for the native keyboards on Android, iOS & UWP have been added to control more keyboard settings
Supported platforms: PC, Mac, Android, iOS & UWP (Smartphone, Tablet & PC)
- Default features of the original Unity InputField
- Process/format edited text on deselect (using PostProcessingFilters)
- Process/format text while input field is being edited (using LiveProcessingFilters)
- Validate characters when text changes in native code (using CustomCharacterValidators)
- Next Input Field option to control which InputField should be selected when done editing. (Tab key on Standalone platforms and Done/Next key on Mobile platforms).
- Mobile only: Show ActionBar with cut, copy, paste and select all options
- Mobile only: Selection Cursors (Draws selection sprites for start and end of text selection to control the selected text more easily in large text blocks)
- Mobile only: Support for (bluetooth) hardware keyboards
- Gestures for Mobile added: Single Tap, Double Tap, Hold
- Event for keyboard height changes in the new NativeKeyboard binding.
- Added a KeyboardScroller component to scroll content when NativeKeyboard appears/hides.
- Support for TextMeshPro Text Renderers
- Multiple InputField Modes (indicates how to handle text bounds changes): SCROLL_TEXT,
NOTE: Asian IME are not supported
Support Thread
Demo/Sample Android builds are available in the support thread