Create your creature by mixing 75 dedicated Morphs / Blendshapes and 16 Body Mophs with over 10 Maps / Textures
After "Oscar & Mrs Jones", I am proud to present you my new 3D characters called "Deucalion & Pyrrha". They are divided into two categories: Humans and Creatures.
For Humans Category, I keep the "VIP Morph" family (I created a couple of new characters). I added the "Ethnic Category" (African, Asian, European,ecc) with Blendshapes and Textures. Plus I added the various Blendsapes modification of the body parts, the Visemes and the expressions.
5 LOD Levels (from 33,656 to 5,488 Tris). The skeletal system is all changed (based on Genesis 3 DAZ) so it contains 173 bones.
Both "Deucalion's Humans" and "Deucalion's Creatures" are based on DAZ Genesis 3, so all DAZ Genesis 3 cloth and hair models will be compatible with Deucalion.
Obviously, this compatibility is reduced when body and head morphs are used. If you want, you can use my cloth and hair models that are always 100%
LOD levels are five. In particular I want to point out the care I've worked on with LOD1 level (actually it has a 25% reduction in the number of polygons). It should be considered as a LOD0 B version and you can be used it in most cases unless you want the very first framing plans.
Deucalion's Humans and Deucalion's Creatures are offered free of charge. What are their limits?
Deucalion's Humans:
Only a part of the maps/textures is included in this package.
The included cloth model called Wagsuit has only LOD0 level
To complete this project, you can purchase the Deucalion Add-ons package that includes all missing and extra parts and has a special version of Deucalion's Humans that can be used in conjunction with the "Full Body" cloth models. This special version drastically reduces the number of polygons used.
Everyone who has bought "FG3D Oscar" package can enjoy an upgrade price.
Add-ons Package Content
Deucalion_Humans_RDX (Reduced version)
FG3D_Cloth_Deucalion_Wagsuit (Full LOD version)
Textures/Maps (Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular):
Caucasoid2 - Caucasoid3 - Congoid2 - Congoid3 - Congoid4 - Mongoloid1 - Vip_Al - Vip_DenzelBeard - Vip_George - Vip_JohnnyBeard - Vip_Robert
Full morph list
What’s inside Deucalion's Creatures:
• Deucalion's Creatures (up5 LOD Level)
• FG3D Cloth Wagsuit (only LOD0 Level)
• Easy Animations Demo
• 206 Blendshapes-Morphs
• 75 Creatures Morph
• 16 Body Morph
• 11 different Albedo Texture
• Phonemes for speech animations
• Easy presets
• Save your character designs as prefabs
Dynamic Skeleton System
• Fully rigged for Mecanim
Some Tech. Data
LOD0 33,656 tris
LOD1 25,242 tris
LOD2 16,827 tris
LOD3 10,673 tris
LOD4 05,488 tris
Albedo - Specular - Normal - Occlusion
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