A complete solution for adventure games that focus on storytelling and puzzles - the perfect genre for newcomers to game development.11 years of active development!Adventure Creator is the popular adventure game toolkit that powers many of the modern adventure games that are keeping the genre alive. Harold Halibut, Little Misfortune, Sally Face, Yes, Your Grace, Colossal Cave and many more use AC to make development fast, intuitive and fun."What our SCI may have become if we had kept going."Ken Williams, SierraDesigned for developers of all backgrounds, its visual-scripting interface and intuitive design keeps it artist-friendly - but its powerful event system and documented API has it cater to seasoned programmers too.DEMOS • DOWNLOADS • FORUM • FAQ • TUTORIALS● Easy and fun to useAC provides an intuitive workflow that's accessible to Unity newcomers and professionals alike. Place down Hotspots for interactivity, and NavMeshes for walkable areas. Import your graphics and animation, and you can have a playable game up and running in minutes.● Get started quicklySet up your game in minutes with the New Game wizard, and make use of pre-made templates to get up and running with proven setups and mechanics.● 2D, 2.5D and 3D2D, point-and-click, third-person, first-person - or a mix of each. Play your game with a one-click interface, verb-bar, or a verb coin. Flexibility on perspective, design and interface gives you creative control, so that you can make the game you want to play.● Build with ActionsCoding is optional. Use the robust, artist-friendly ActionList system to build puzzles, interactions and cutscenes visually. Choose from over a hundred Action types - each geared towards adventure game development - or write and plug in your own.● Focused on adventuresDesigned specifically for traditional adventure games, AC's streamlined interface puts all the genre's trademarks front and centre. Interactions, characters, inventory, dialogue, conversations, logic, localisation, QTEs, saving and loading and more are just a few clicks away.● Multi-platformMake games for PC, Mac, WebGL, as well as iOS and Android phones. Play them with a mouse and keyboard, a gamepad, or on a touch-screen - the interface will adapt with the control scheme.● Language supportReach an international audience with AC's localisation tools. All text and speech can be exported for translators, script sheets can be generated for voice actors, and each language can have their own audio and lipsync files.● Timeline integrationNew tracks for Timeline make it simple to incorporate AC's features into cinematic sequences. Animate characters, play speech and cut cameras - in 2D and 3D scenes alike.● Script extensionsNeed to incorporate other gameplay or assets, or tailor the core code to suit specific needs? Source is included, and the API documented. Use event hooks to extend functionality, or choose from a variety of example templates on the Downloads page.● Plays well with othersWorks with a suite of popular assets, including UCC, Playmaker, Dialogue System, Rewired and Spine. Find more integrations, contributed by the community, on the community wiki.• Character system• 2D A* pathfinding• NavMesh Agent integration• Player-switching• Side-scrolling camera• Third-person camera• First-person camera• Cinemachine integration• Point-and-click movement• Direct movement• First-person movement• Straight-to-cursor movement• Mouse and keyboard control• Gamepad control• Touch-screen control• Mobile joystick• Input system integration• Interactive Hotspots• Interaction customisation• Triggers• Head-turning• Arm IK system• Footstep sounds• Physical object manipulation• Sample content• Templates• Visual scripting• Events editor• Cutscene skipping• Inventory system• Music and Ambience system• Audio Mixer support• Crafting• Drag-and-drop inventory• Item dropping• Objectives and sub-objectives• Documents• Custom Timeline tracks• Game-wide and scene variables• Variable presets• Timers• Automated save-games• Save-game screenshots• Save-game profiles• Animated cursors• Dialogue system• Conversation options• Speech audio• Lip-syncing• Translations• Localization integration• Script sheet exports• Menu designer• Aspect ratio enforcement• TextMesh Pro integration• Text parserSupported platforms• AC officially supports PC, Mac, WebGL, iOS and Android.• For consoles: some custom scripting is necessary, as each console platform has its own save-system requirements. For details, consult the Manual's "Custom save formats and handling" chapter.• AC does not officially support VR, but this too can be achieved through custom scripting. For more, consult the Manual's "Working with VR" chapter.
Adventure Creatorを使用すると、モンキーアイランド、グリムファンダンゴ、最長の旅、テルテールのウォーキングデッドなど、伝統的な2D、2.5D、3Dのアドベンチャーゲームを作成できます。 ACは世界中のスタジオで使用されており、伝統的な冒険を市場にもたらすために必要なすべての機能を備えています。
2D, 2.5D、3Dゲームの作成、およびUnity独自のアドベンチャーゲームとのマージに関する詳細なマニュアルと何時間ものビデオ。
Unity UIまたはAC独自のメニューレンダリングシステムを使用して、UI全体をカスタマイズできます。
ACは、Dialogue System, PlayMaker, LipSync Pro, TextMesh Pro, RT-Voice,と統合されており、さらなる統合はCommunity Wikiにあります。
注: 3D Demoゲームの一部のモデルは、CC-BY 3.0ライセンスで提供されます。詳細については、付属の「model license.rtf」ファイルを参照してください。
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。