Third person character controller and creator. Easily create feature filled third person player in single click.Controller comes with ragdoll & hit reaction system, footsteps audio system, trigger / action system, cover system, ledge climbing system with many examples.Use multitude of pre made weapons or create your own, also try variety of pre made triggers/actions or create new with trigger creator.Convenience tools included:- Player creator tool- Trigger/Action Creator tool- Weapon creator tool- Car creator tool- Player preview window in which you can see, adjust weapon, create and adjust locomotion and aim IKsOn how to use helper tools see in the videos:Examples made using BuiltIn renderer.VideosDemoPlayer creation, footsteps, slopes, ragdoll Trigger / Action Creator TutorialWeapon Creator TutorialBuilt In Actions, Cover, Ledges, Car TutorialCode DocumentationDemosDemo 1Demo 2Forum Thread