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Discover how tagging should really work.
* Solely utilizes Unity tag system.
* Intuitive find APIs that handle multiple tags.
* Auto create type safe tag access script.
* Advanced GUI shows and modifies tags.
* Supported on all platforms.
MultipleTags enables you to apply multiple tags to a GameObject, solely using the existing Unity tag system. This is done by stitching tags together to form a tagPath (i.e. T1/T2/T3). By delineating tags with backslashes the Unity tag system will present a tagPath in a concise hierarchical menu structure. To augment the Unity tag interface an extremely powerful and elegant tag manager editor GUI is provided. The tag manager makes it easy to add/remove tags, find gameObjects by tag, optimize tags, generate a type safe tag access file, and much more (See screenshots). The tag manager also displays the tags associated with the currently selected gameObject(s). MulitpleTags provides the ability to use tag groups to facilitate organization and discovery (i.e. Color.Red).
At runtime an intuitive set of APIs are available to harness the power of having multiple tags. FindGameObjectsWithTags API exists to find gameObjects with specfied tag(s), while gameObject extension methods allow you to refine your search. The extension methods also allow you to add/remove tags at runtime (Tags must exist in Unity). When searching for gameObjects a boolean enumeration is available or for greater flexibility use a free-form expression (i.e. (Tag1 | Tag2) & !Tag3). The search expression also supports regex syntax (i.e. Tag.*). To help form and test a search expression use the dropdown menu in the GUI "Find tags" section.
MultipleTags can manually or automatically generate a type safe tag access script (i.e. TagAccess.cs). This enables type safety, code completion, and boosts performance of the tag search APIs. Also related is the AiUnity flagship ScriptBuilder product, which uses builders to generate any Unity script. It includes the builder TagBuilder, if you wish to gain direct control of the Tag Access script generation.
-Completely utilizes Unity tag system.
-The Unity tag manager is augmented by a comprehensive tag GUI control panel.
-Select GameObject(s) in hierarchy to reveal and modify tags in GUI.
-Search/modify Unity tags from GUI.
-Search/modify gameObject tags from GUI.
-Alter tags of multiple gameObjects at once.
-Use tag access script to reference Unity tags in a type safe manner.
-APIs available to find gameObjects using tag name, logic expression, or Regex.
-APIs can find gameObjects using group tag syntax (i.e. Vehicle.Car).
-APIs can find all gameObjects in a particular group (i.e. Vehicle).
-GameObject extension methods enable search refinement and tag modification.
-Automatic or manual creation of a type safe tag access script (TagAccess.cs).
-GUI optimize command allows quick cleanup/optimization of existing tags.
-GUI themed for light and dark skin.
-Support for all platforms.
-Works with AiUnity products ScriptBuilder, NLog, and CLog.
-Website, API Reference, Videos, and forums available for support.
-Tested on .NET 3.5 and 4.6.
-Full source code provided.
Version 1.1.0:
-Bug fixes and cross platform support.