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The Platform-Vania Engine is an advanced Physics and Raycast based kit to make 2D of 2.5D Action Adventure games!
-Full source included.
-Lifetime Support.
-Lifetime Updates.
-2D and 2.5D Compatible
The Platform-Vania includes a slew of character abilities that allows your character slick 2D movement, from dodge rolls and wall sliding, to grappling hooks and ground pounds! It also includes AI enemy scripts and everything you need to get started. It's also extremely flexible and super easy to modify to add your own character abilities.
It's easy to jump right in and start tweaking. Simply tweak the settings in the inspector to your design to make your game.
Full source included means you can easily add and customize your own abilities to extend the engine!
The kit currently includes:
Movement Abilities
- Dashing
- Jumping
- Running
- Dodge Rolling
- Ground Pounding
- Grappling Hooks
- Melee Attacks and Combos
- Projectile Weapons
- Ledge Grabbing and Climbing
- Swimming
Interactable Environment
- Ladders
- Ropes and Procedural Ropes
- Pushable Objects
- Breakable Objects
- Health Pick Ups
- Moving Platforms
- One Way Platforms
- Breakable Objects
Weapons Management
- Picking Up Weapons
- Dropping Weapons
- Swapping Weapons
- Projectile Weapons
- Melee Weapons
- Bullets
Easy To Set Up Player and AI Characters
- A fully featured character controller
- Health Bars
- Taking Damage
- A fully set up animator ready for your animations to be slotted in
- AI character movement
- Attack AI
- Ray Casting
Game And Scene Management
- A Game Manager
- An Object Pooler
- Spawn Points
- Way Points
- Sound Effects and Particle Effects
- ... And More To Come!
Everything is set up to be easy to jump right in and make the 2D Action Adventure game of your dreams!